The Voreifel project region is located in North Rhine-Westphalia and comprises the most northwesterly distribution area of the yellow-bellied toad with the Aachen Hills and the Vennfoot area. Here the yellow-bellied toad finds secondary habitats in limestone quarries and on military training grounds. The primary habitat may be near-natural brook valleys.
Project area NRW 7 "Brander Wald"
Location: Eastern edge of the city Aachen, district of Brand
Size: 193 hectares (of which city of Aachen: 165 hectares)
Protection status: Natura 2000 site
Biotope/geography/geology: Forests of indigenous and non-native tree species, small-scale near-natural forests typical of the location such as alder forests and oak-beech forests, bristle grass and heathland areas, brook valleys and small-scale calamine meadows. Situated in the natural area "Aachener Hügelland".
Protective purpose: Habitat of important occurrences of herpetofauna, in particular the regionally most important occurrence of the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) as well as further 7 amphibian and 4 reptile species.
Maintenance: Preservation and further promotion of spawning habitats by increasing the supply of shallow small and very small water bodies (mainly through artificially created water-filled vehicle tracks). The coniferous stands should be gradually converted into deciduous forest, open-land biotopes are to be preserved and enhanced, and grassland areas should be used extensively.
Project area NRW 8 "Indetal" (Indetal)
Location: City of Aachen, in the Indetal valley between the districts of Kornelimünster and Brand
Size: 128 hectares
Protection status: Nature reserve
Biotope/geography/geology: Wet meadows, swamps, near-natural brook meadows and rough grassland in the "Aachener Hügelland" with Hangdruckquellen on alkaline Pleistocene clay deposits.
Protective purpose: Valuable grassland and fen structures. Diverse vegetation with typical insect fauna. Marsh marigold meadows, brown sedge meadows, iris populations, large sedge meadows. Naturally meandering course of the river Inde with wooded and structurally rich banks.
Breeding and feeding habitat of Marsh Warbler, Goldfinch, Whitethroat, Yellow Warbler, Kingfisher, Dipper, Wagtail, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Eurasian Hobby.
Habitat of the beaver, the grass snake, the yellow-bellied toad and the meadowsweet butterfly.
Habitat of rare grasshopper species: golden cricket, marsh grasshopper, marsh cricket.
Maintenance in some areas: Extensive grazing, single-cut mowing, no fertilization, manual mowing, hedge care.
The project areas are managed by NABU Naturschutzstation Aachen e.V.