Project area NRW 4 "Pöppelsche Tal"
The "Pöppelsche Tal" is the most important so-called "Schleddental" of the Hellweg plain. The term "Schledden" refers to dry valleys that periodically carry water and are partly deepened into the
limestone subsoil. On the slopes there are mainly semi-dry grasslands and grassland, lined with hedges, but also small shrubs and rows of trees. Historically, the Yellow-bellied Toads settled
here in the fords and driving lanes, which were created by a once more intensive use of the valley. After the abandonment of this use, these important habitats disappeared and the toads now live
in small waterbodies specially created for them. A part of the area is now grazed by sheep within an area maintenance concept. Another area is kept open by year-round grazing with Exmoor ponies
and Heck cattle.
Project area NRW 5 "Manninghofer Bach, Gieseler and Muckenbruch".
The area comprises several relatively semi-natural and structurally rich watercourses with gravel banks, grassland and pollarded trees as well as two fens in the lowlands with a mosaic of
grassland, reed and wet forest. The yellow-bellied toad benefits from a small-scale peat dig that repeatedly creates temporary micro-waters. The water balance was optimised and some areas were
rewetted as part of the protected area management, from which the toads also benefit.
Project area NRW 6 "Büecke and Hiddingser Schledde"
The former military training ground is today a mosaic landscape rich in species and structures with lean open land, deciduous forests and scrubland. While in military use, the area was kept open
primarily by tank traffic, and many dense lanes were created in which water could collect when it rained. The Yellow-bellied Toads as well as other amphibians found optimal conditions here. After
giving up military use, the area is now kept open by semi-wild Taurus cattle and Konik horses. Especially for the Yellow-bellied Toad, part of the area is regularly used with heavy equipment to
create small driving lanes for the toads.
The project areas are managed by Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biologischer Umweltschutz im Kreis Soest e.V. (ABU).