Project partners

  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biologischer Umweltschutz im Kreis Soest e.V.
  • Stichting het Limburgs Landschap (Limburg, The Netherlands)
  • Staatsbosbeheer (Limburg, The Netherlands)
  • NABU-Naturschutzstation Aachen e.V.
  • Schulbiologiezentrum Hildesheim (Trägerverein Biologischer Schulgarten e.V.)
  • Ministry for Environment, Energy, Building and Climate Protection of the State of Lower Saxony
  • Ministry for Environment, Agriculture, Conservation and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

We thank all our partners for their cooperation and support !

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biologischer Umweltschutz im Kreis Soest e.V. (ABU) is a nature conservation association and the responsible body for the biological station in the district of Soest. One focus of its activities is, among other things, the management of nature reserves, the implementation of nature conservation measures in the agricultural landscape and projects for year-round grazing.

The NABU Nature Conservation Station Aachen supports and complements the work of the honorary and salaried nature conservationists in the urban area of the independent city of Aachen. The station sees itself as a link between nature conservationists and nature users (e.g. agriculture and forestry). In close cooperation with authorities and volunteers, it implements projects that serve to protect habitats as well as animals and plants. It is a member of the umbrella organisation of biological stations in NRW.

Since 1995, the Schulbiologie-zentrum has been part of the network of regional environmental education centres (RUZ) and extracurricular learning centres (ALO). On the site of a former brickyard, a varied landscape with a high experiential value has been created since then, where pupils of all school types and levels from the town and district of Hildesheim are taught. Day-care centres, the University of Hildesheim, prospective teachers as well as various educational institutions and nature conservation groups also use the site.